In 2014, the series Miracles of Jesus debuted with 18 episodes in the first season, and in 2015 the second season premiered with 17 episodes. In 2013, Joseph from Egypt debuted, with 38 episodes.
In 2012, it was the time of King David, with 30 episodes.
In 2011, the 18-episode minisseries Samson and Delilah debuted. In 2010, RecordTV launched the first product on television with this theme, with the debut of the 10-episode miniseries, The Story of Esther. The soap opera The Ten Commandments is considered biblical teledramaturgy. Welcomed by Pharaoh's daughter as a baby, Moses grows as the prince of Egypt, but turns against his adoptive family in favor of the suffering people of Israel, whom he should lead to liberty. The plot has the loose adaptation of four books of the Bible that have this trajectory: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The film tells the story of Moses leading the Israelite people out of Egypt into the promised land.